Vision Statement

We will see London and beyond changed through equipped communities sharing God’s love, power and resources.

At The Well Church we want to see More People Loving Jesus and to help this become a reality we build our church life around seven core values. It is these values that define who we are and how the church operates. The Well Church London is part of the Catalyst network of Newfrontiers churches. Leaders like Terry Virgo and David Devenish have been instrumental in establishing Newfrontiers over the years and we are very grateful for their vision of building a family of churches that are connected around the world in friendship, mission and purpose. Our culture and purpose is to become everything we see in Jesus who is the perfect reflection of God’s heart and character. This influences all we do and permeates every area of our lives: family, work, community, and beyond.

Our main goal everyday is to encounter the presence of God; His presence transforms us as we connect with God in our worship, prayer and reading the bible. It is our privilege to carry His presence into every area of our lives.

We have been adopted into God’s eternal family, heirs of all that our Father in heaven has and like every healthy family we share our blessings and work together to meet each other’s needs

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Being born again we are now new creations with a fresh start as children of the living God. Wherever we go we share the story of who Christ is and all He has done for us.

We love everyone for who they are; made in God’s image. God created us all with a purpose. We honour the gift that each person is to the church and help them discover and live out all God created them to be.

God’s love and grace provided a way through Jesus for us to be reconciled into a personal relationship with Him. This means our eternal future and present is secured. Out of love for Christ and all He has done for us we share our time, talents and resources wherever we are.


We are righteous because Christ’s righteousness was put to our account. By His grace, God works in us in the power of His Holy Spirit enabling us to live a life that is pleasing to Him overcoming all that would hinder our intimate relationship with the living God.

The kingdom of God is upon us and within us. In Christ nothing is impossible for the person who believes. We partner with God and look to take daily steps of faith with Him. When fear comes knocking we reject it and instead courageously choose faith to overcome in the power He richly supplies.