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“The churches must learn humility as well as teach it.”

Jeremy Thompson

Our Pastor

Showing You the Way

Clive Sharpe

Clive Sharpe

Senior Pastor

Clive Sharpe is the Senior Pastor of The Well Church London, a multi-cultural church with a global reach.

Next Seremon with our Pastor

Our Leadership

Knowing Love and Sharing It

Clive Sharpe

Senior Pastor

Clive Sharpe

Clive Sharpe is the Senior Pastor of The Well Church London, a multi-cultural church with a global reach.

Angela Chan

Prophetic Leader

Angela Chan

Angela Chan and family have been part of the Well Church since 2012. Angela and her husband are business owners.

Lloyd Burrell

Worship Leader

Lloyd Burrell

Lloyd and Denise got involved with The Well in 2013 and enjoy making connections with others.